The main theme of our film opening is that there will be a group of bullies who bully a shy outcast individual who is the victim of these bullies’ sick antics and decides upon himself to commit suicide. But due to his guilt and hatred for what the bullies have done to him, he comes back to live and makes it his goal to get revenge on those who used to torment him and goes to the extreme as he decides to kill them all.
The main character is Kallam is very believable as he is a class geek who keeps his head in his books and is very shy around the rest of the people in the class who also dislike him for his awkwardness.
Kallams main goals were trying to succeed in his exams but after rising from the dead his main goal is getting revenge on those who tormented him. Kashif, Ehsham and Farhan are the bullies who have made his life hell but regret and realise what they have done to Kallams family and feel sorry for pushing him to suicide and their main goals and aims are to stop Kallam and beg for his forgiveness and hope they are forgiven but mainly to stop him from killing them. The bullies are in the way of stopping Kallam from succeeding in killing him as they try everything in power to stop him.
At stake is the bullies lives and their families feeling the same way as they made Kallams family feel and they try all their best to stop him.
The film takes place in a school and in a graveyard where we take Kallam to make him scared and in the school where we see him at the hands of his tormentors as he gets bullied and hated by his classroom and on Sheldon heath road.
We have created 4 interesting characters:
· Ehsham who is the intimidating bully who overshadows Kallam in size and is physically intimidating.
· Kashif who follows the other bullies and hides behind them whilst bullying Kallam
· Farhan who is small but vicious in his relentless bullying and even Ehsham is scared of Farhan
- Kallam same high as Farhan and not very frightening either, looks nerdy but due to bullying is frighten and flinches a lot around people.
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