Monday, 12 December 2011
Our Slideshow
Today in our preliminary research task it was me Kashif Kallam and Ehsham but me and Kallam did the acting we had a few problems we had a shot missing at the start so we had to re film the whole scene. . That was our only problem after that problem we decided to make a whole new script because in our old one there was not enough talking. Our script and our movie look much better and more entertaining. we have done all the camrea shots that have been asked to do. In our new video we are trying to do all the angle shots and diffrent effects we failed to do this in our first try.
Friday, 18 November 2011
Preliminary Research
Continuity editing is when movie editor television show editors cut out scene and put effect it in to make the show or the movie go smoothly in shots and it makes it look better. There are two types of editing It is when you can slow things down or speed them up this is what makes movies interesting because if there was no editing and clips wasn't cut and put together the movie would be plain boring Editors do this to show us different scenes. older films was edited but not very good that's why they was not as good as the new movies because they would be less cuts in the film and it would stay on one scene for a long time. Also in the old movies you can tell that the editing was poor because you can see the changes but with modern day films you can hardly notice:
Spatial cutting / editing
This editing creates unified space through the editing. Shots from different angles & framing. Shot / reverse shots. This also includes parallel editing.Spatial cutting / editing
Tempral editing
180 degree rule
This is when you connect shots to support and create a narrative. This can include flashbacks or flash forwards show the amount of time that passes and goes by. This can go from the start to finish or not This maybe Linear progression or not.
180 degree rule
This is when you are filming, it is when the camera or cameras have to be on one side. so if there is two people on the stage then the cameras cannot be on both sides because it don’t make the feeling natural.
Continuity Editing
This is an example of bad editing because you can see where the cut the film and put it together because the screen goes black this is not good and makes the movie not interesting.Reverse shot
A film technique wherein one character is shown looking (often off-screen) at another character, and then the other character is shown looking "back" at the first character. Since the characters are shown facing in opposite directions, the viewer assumes that they are looking at each other.
Match on action means that when something happens in the scene then when there is a cut the same piece of action must be going on. This is an example of continuity editing and is very important in helping the audience continually understand exactly what is happening.
Filmography:The Dark Knight
Year 2008 Director: Christopher Nolan evidance of this is
Flimography: Batman Television Series Intro
Evidance for this is
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Equilibrium Theory
Equilibrium – This we be start showing the characters normal live and how they live it so basically show what a normally day for each character would be so the audience gets a understands there background.
Disequilibrium – This is when the climax happens and the victim of the bullies gets killed and everything becomes unusual and the victim dead body is possessed by a demon which comes to kill the bullies changing their life.
New state – This when the killer or demon gets killed by the last remaining bully and everything goes back to normal but in a new way and a new order so everything would be different also changing the characters life and personality.
The setting of our movie will firstly start off in a classroom of our school because our movie is based on bullies and their victim and the best place bullying mostly happens. We have done this in school so our characters will be school students and it will be very realistic. The second location to out movie will be on the roads/streets to show the victims life so basically his day to day bases life his way to school and the way to his home. The third setting will be the park which will be the main area of the movie will be based on because that’s where the murder of the victims happens and that the dis-equilibrium.
Protagonist and Antagonist
The protagonist is the the good guy in the movie for example like the Batman he is always good mainly the main character who we follow throughout the movie. The antagonist is the bad guy who always tries to stop the protagonist for example like the Joker we also follow him through the movie but not as much as the protagonist. For example like in our movie Kallam is the protagonist because we follow him through out the movie he is the good guy but he also turns bad when he gets his revenge on the bullies.the antagonist is the bullies we see them in most of the scenes with kallam. but after wards they reform so this makes kallam the protagonist and the antagonist because kallam does not forgive them for what they did.
Three act structure
Set up – The set up is just showing the characters normal life and what bullying can do if you can take it too far they also to show the disadvantage of bullying and what it does to people.
Set back – The set back will be the victim accidentally gets killed by the bullies who comes back to avenge his death as a demon, trying to kill the bullies one by one but gets carried away and takes it to far and become the bad guy.
Resresolution – One of the bullies kills the demon by with the body of the victims by some sort of holy way that he had learnt they used to do in the past leaving one of the bullies to survive.
Character Type
Our character types are very confusing because first we have a hero then we have a anti hero after that the bully turns into a hero.
Binary Oopposition
The binary opposition will be something that’s gives the audience a good understanding what is happening in the movie and the reason behind it so for example if you look at kids vs the geeky weak kid and this will then be simplified down to powerful vs weak by the audience then therefore creating the main binary opposition for our movie. Good vs Bad because it is the bullies vs the victim and at the ned we will see what happens and who wins.
Our Characters
· Ehsham who is the intimidating bully who overshadows Kallam in size and is physically intimidating.
· Kashif who follows the other bullies and acts like one of them trying to be big and powerful but is weak but still bullies Kallam.
· Farhan looks weak and small but is the main bully or gang leader and he may not be intimidating in size but is a fighter.
· Kallam same high as Farhan and not very frightening, much more weak making him an easy target and the victim.
· Kashif who follows the other bullies and acts like one of them trying to be big and powerful but is weak but still bullies Kallam.
· Farhan looks weak and small but is the main bully or gang leader and he may not be intimidating in size but is a fighter.
· Kallam same high as Farhan and not very frightening, much more weak making him an easy target and the victim.
Friday, 11 November 2011
Final Decisions
We have looked at many horror movies we have noticed that their costumes are very dark and dirty some also have blood on their clothes this connotes that the villain is not afraid to get dirty clothes. Halloween did something different he brought a William Shatner mask they turned it inside out and they painted it white they did this because they had no money and it was something different so no one had a villain like him Michael Myers is a very rare character he had overalls on this is what makes him stand put. For our characters we want a costume that is dark maybe ripped it should be dirty that someone don’t have and it should have some blood this creates effect.
we looked a lots of movies and how they did their lighting we have noticed that there was a lot of low key lighting this creates tension, dark shadows this creates mystery and I have noticed that there is contrast this shows the audience that there is a binary opposition like if the villain is dark and everything around the villain is light this makes a binary opposition and it creates affect this also shows contrast. We have want to use all these effects so our movie looks very spooky and it creates an affect like low key lighting when they show this angles type the audience automatically thinks something bad is going to happen we are going use lots of camera angles this make the movie more imaginative and more different from other movies. Texas chainsaw of massacre uses dark lighting this makes the movie scarier and gruesome this tells the audience straight away how the movie is going to be like
The mise-en-scene is very important you can’t have a horror movie inside a theme park you need to have a good background like a graveyard or a park this is what makes the movie more realistic we are going to use three different settings one is in the classroom the other one is in the on the road and the last one is in the park. When we use the classroom we are going to makes sure that it is more realistic we are going to have computers and chairs on the table.For example you can't have a shooting and a action movie inside the park.
Lots of horror movies have different weapons like knives and guns we are going to do something different this makes our movie unique. we have chosen a chain this makes noise and the victims will hear when the villain comes and this will make it more dramatic.
The Movie: Haloween resurrection
Year: 2002
Director: Rick Rosenthal
The movie: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning
Year: 2006
Director: Jonathan Liebesman

The evidance of both of these are
Friday, 4 November 2011
Narrative is a person who explains to story to get the movie/book moving. The narrator gives the main meaning of the story also the narrator is someone who stands outside the movie/story and they speak they do this to keep the movie going.
Equilibrium- this is the peace at the normal film like the incredible it is all happy and they are just going to work it is all like a usual day everyone is happy.
Dis-equilibrium- this is when a problem occurs in the movie or the story and this messes up the equilibrium and it has to be solved.
New state of equilibrium this is when all the problems in the movie are solved and everything is close enough back to normal. It is not the same but it is close because their all ways is a past.
Binary opposition is when in the movie it is bad vs. good, small vs. tall dark vs. light.
Character type is what each character does for example the hero saves the day heroine goes off with the hero and the donor gives a clue to the hero so he can save the day.
Our most important narrative theory is like equilibrium the most because at the start everything is all normal then after a school kid gets bullied and from there is bad. It suits all of the equilibrium because dis equilibrium when the school kid gets bullied and kills himself from their it all goes bad because the school kid wants his revenge eon the bullies. It is new state equilibrium because at the end of one the character re kills the school kid and everything will l be back to normal.
In this scene the lady is a helper she helps Mr incredible when he needs help she gives him a new hero costume with no capes and this is a tip.
In this scene the lady is a helper she helps Mr incredible when he needs help she gives him a new hero costume with no capes and this is a tip.
The incredible is also like this at the start everything is happy and everything is going okay this is equilibrium then afterward Mr. incredible loses his job then he goes to a secret group to work for them then he gets into war with the villain this is dis equilibrium and at the end when the villain gets killed everything goes back to normal because Dash has a race and he comes 2nd this is new state equilibrium.
The Incredible
Year: 2004 Director: Brad Bird
Evidence of this is Movie
This is our blue screen test this was the first time me and my partner has used the software to do this so we struggled a bit then we finally done our blue screen.
Thursday, 3 November 2011
Final Cut Introduction
Today we have recorded a blue print we had made a short clip of the white house getting attacked by aliens we had to time our acting to get it on the right time this clip lasted 30seconds and the explosion happened on the 25 second so we had to make sure we were on time.
We had one problem that was the camera recorded the movie into a different type of file that the imac could not convert we are going to overcome this problem by converting this file into a different file type which the imac can convert.
We had one problem that was the camera recorded the movie into a different type of file that the imac could not convert we are going to overcome this problem by converting this file into a different file type which the imac can convert.
Next time to not let this problem happen we are going to check what type of file is the camera recording. This has wasted 15mins of our time of editing if the file was in the right type then we would have been editing the short clip now. we are going to edit the clip so that the timing is on time and it looks real as possible.
Primary Research task
What kind of killer are you scared of in a horror movie
What setting is scariest?
What sub genres do you like combined with genre?
Which serial killer do you prefer
Does blood make a horror film more scarier
What age group are you?
we asked this question to find out what out target audience would be
and who our movie would be aimed at so we can make it suitable for that age group and we found out its teenagers to young adults.
What do you believe is the best thing about horror films?
we asked this to find out what is the best thing to make the movie good and it was the storyline so the story line is important and it has to be good so we have been careful with the story board to make sure it is not boring.
What gender are you?
we asked this question to see what people would mainly be watching our clip that we make so we can aim it more for their gender because boys like somethings more than girls and girls prefer different things from boys.
What do you expect to happen in the horror genre?
we asked this question to we could base our introduction on what was most popular and people recommended the hero and the villain dies.
Do you like horror films?
we done all done this questionnaire to gather information and find out what the audience want to see in a movie and introduction so that we could use them so we can get our introduction up to the viewers expectations and give them what they would prefer.
we found out that paranormal acivity and serial killer are the best so now that we have got this information and we know what people would prefer we are going to use the paranormal activity killer
we asked this question because we wanted to know what setting for our scene would be best and what the viewer would want to see in our movie and we found out that graveyard would be the most scariest setting for our horror movie.
we asked this question because we wanted to know what to combine our horror movie with because horror is one of the most popular and then we thort we would get ideas from the viewers what they would prefer to be combined as a sub genre.
we asked this question because we wanted the audiences ideas on what would make the best killer so we could base our introduction along them lines so the viewers like it
we asked this because we was not sure if it would make it scary or if it was just to make the shots look good so now we know it is not really that important.
we asked this question to find out what out target audience would be
and who our movie would be aimed at so we can make it suitable for that age group and we found out its teenagers to young adults.
What do you believe is the best thing about horror films?
we asked this to find out what is the best thing to make the movie good and it was the storyline so the story line is important and it has to be good so we have been careful with the story board to make sure it is not boring.
What gender are you?
we asked this question to see what people would mainly be watching our clip that we make so we can aim it more for their gender because boys like somethings more than girls and girls prefer different things from boys.
What do you expect to happen in the horror genre?
we asked this question to we could base our introduction on what was most popular and people recommended the hero and the villain dies.
Do you like horror films?
we done all done this questionnaire to gather information and find out what the audience want to see in a movie and introduction so that we could use them so we can get our introduction up to the viewers expectations and give them what they would prefer.
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
1. What kind of killer are you scared of in a horror movie?
· Masked silent killer
· Paranormal activity
· Female killer
· Serial killer
2. What setting is scariest?
· Abandoned school
· Graveyard
· Haunted house
· Forest
3. What sub genres do you like combined with genre?
· Slasher
· Psychological
· Paranormal
· Thriller
4. Which serial killer do you prefer?
· Paranormal- ghosts/demon
· The silent masked killer
· Freddy Krueger – nightmare on elm street
· Jason Voorhees-Friday 13th
5. Does blood make a horror film more scarier
· Yes
· No
6. What age group are you?
· 13-20
· 21-30
· 31-40
· 41-50
7. What do you believe is the best thing about horror films?
· Storyline
· Blood/gore
· Atmosphere
· Suspense
8. What gender are you?
· Male
· Female
9. What do you expect to happen in the horror genre?
· Villain kills everybody
· The hero dies and so does the villain
· Hero survives and villain dies
· The villain becomes good
Do you like horror films?
Don’t really care
Half and half
Friday, 21 October 2011
Audience research
Audience research is very important because it tells you concepts of the movie and you find out what people want to watch and what kind of movies they are into and this makes the movie get into different groups and different genre.
Many audiences are categorised by age and gender to most movies for example you can get chick flicks or actions movies more men would watch action movie than chick flicks Categorising your audience is very good this separates your audience. You are stereotyping everyone but everyone has different personalities.
Reception analysis – it is when they make a movie and it has different to everyone so if one person watches it they will see a different concept to the person sitting next to you also the whole audience will judge the movie different to you. So everyone will have their own point of view.
Two step flow: this is when a person goes to watch a movie and spreads the word to the some people and then the other people go watch the movie as well and they will go and tell more people so the movie it will get advertised with weird of mouth. Then slowly the movie will go more known because of more people will talk of it. Filmography: this gives you all the detail about the movie what year and what genre it is.
Many audiences are categorised by age and gender to most movies for example you can get chick flicks or actions movies more men would watch action movie than chick flicks Categorising your audience is very good this separates your audience. You are stereotyping everyone but everyone has different personalities.
Three main theories: These are the 3 theories that I think are the main ones.
Hypodermic needle this is the theory that suggests the media is capable of mass manipulation. This is based on the assumption that the audience believes what they see so the maker of the movie in paranormal activity is trying to convince people that ghosts are real .The audience that demands actually exists to scare them so they get hooked to the movie and want to keep watching so they can make money for the different films.
Hypodermic needle this is the theory that suggests the media is capable of mass manipulation. This is based on the assumption that the audience believes what they see so the maker of the movie in paranormal activity is trying to convince people that ghosts are real .The audience that demands actually exists to scare them so they get hooked to the movie and want to keep watching so they can make money for the different films.
Reception analysis – it is when they make a movie and it has different to everyone so if one person watches it they will see a different concept to the person sitting next to you also the whole audience will judge the movie different to you. So everyone will have their own point of view.
Two step flow: this is when a person goes to watch a movie and spreads the word to the some people and then the other people go watch the movie as well and they will go and tell more people so the movie it will get advertised with weird of mouth. Then slowly the movie will go more known because of more people will talk of it. Filmography: this gives you all the detail about the movie what year and what genre it is.
Biography: it gives you all details of the book for example who made it and what year was it made in and the what genre is the book about.
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