We have looked at many horror movies we have noticed that their costumes are very dark and dirty some also have blood on their clothes this connotes that the villain is not afraid to get dirty clothes. Halloween did something different he brought a William Shatner mask they turned it inside out and they painted it white they did this because they had no money and it was something different so no one had a villain like him Michael Myers is a very rare character he had overalls on this is what makes him stand put. For our characters we want a costume that is dark maybe ripped it should be dirty that someone don’t have and it should have some blood this creates effect.
we looked a lots of movies and how they did their lighting we have noticed that there was a lot of low key lighting this creates tension, dark shadows this creates mystery and I have noticed that there is contrast this shows the audience that there is a binary opposition like if the villain is dark and everything around the villain is light this makes a binary opposition and it creates affect this also shows contrast. We have want to use all these effects so our movie looks very spooky and it creates an affect like low key lighting when they show this angles type the audience automatically thinks something bad is going to happen we are going use lots of camera angles this make the movie more imaginative and more different from other movies. Texas chainsaw of massacre uses dark lighting this makes the movie scarier and gruesome this tells the audience straight away how the movie is going to be like
The mise-en-scene is very important you can’t have a horror movie inside a theme park you need to have a good background like a graveyard or a park this is what makes the movie more realistic we are going to use three different settings one is in the classroom the other one is in the on the road and the last one is in the park. When we use the classroom we are going to makes sure that it is more realistic we are going to have computers and chairs on the table.For example you can't have a shooting and a action movie inside the park.
Lots of horror movies have different weapons like knives and guns we are going to do something different this makes our movie unique. we have chosen a chain this makes noise and the victims will hear when the villain comes and this will make it more dramatic.
The Movie: Haloween resurrection
Year: 2002
Director: Rick Rosenthal
The movie: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning
Year: 2006
Director: Jonathan Liebesman

The evidance of both of these are http://uk.imdb.com/
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