Thursday, 3 November 2011

Primary Research task

What kind of killer are you scared of in a horror movie
we found out that  paranormal acivity and serial killer are the best so now that we have got this information and we know what people would prefer we are going to use the paranormal activity killer

What setting is scariest?
we asked this question because we wanted to know what setting for our scene would be best and what the viewer would want to see in our movie and we found out that graveyard would be the most scariest setting for our horror movie.

What sub genres do you like combined with genre?
we asked this question because we wanted to know what to combine our horror movie with because horror is one of the most popular and then we thort we would get ideas from the viewers what they would prefer to be combined as a sub genre.

Which serial killer do you prefer
we asked this question because we wanted the audiences ideas on what would make the best killer so we could base our introduction along them lines so the viewers like it

 Does blood make a horror film more scarier
we asked this because we was not sure if it would make it scary or if it was just to make the shots look good so now we know it is not really that important.

What age group are you?

we asked this question to find out what out target audience would be
and who our movie would be aimed at so we can make it suitable for that age group and we found out its teenagers to young adults.

What do you believe is the best thing about horror films?

we asked this to find out what is the best thing to make the movie good and it was the storyline so the story line is important and it has to be good so we have been careful with the story board to make sure it is not boring.

  What gender are you?
we asked this question to see what people would mainly be watching our clip that we make so we can aim it more for their gender because boys like somethings more than girls and girls prefer different things from boys.
What do you expect to happen in the horror genre?

we asked this question to we could base our introduction on what was most popular and people recommended the hero and the villain dies.

Do you like horror films?
we done all done this questionnaire to gather information and find out what the audience want to see in a movie and introduction so that we could use them so we can get our introduction up to the viewers expectations and give them what they would prefer.

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